Grace Fellowship

Grace Fellowship follows Christ. Christ is a giver, and by Him we learn to give. Our giving allows great things to happen for others while further developing our own trust in God. Generations over millennia have found God to be faithful. He ensures we have enough, and enough to share (Philippians 4:19).

Our giving enables the church to function not only locally, but nationally and internationally in a variety of ways:

Our Mission

  • Grace Fellowship provides a free midday two-course meal twice weekly, in a pleasant social environment to all who come, at our local No-Cost Cafe. This is a service that has been running for nearly 15 years.
  • Grace Fellowship sponsors three children in Thailand, and supports a ministry couple in Papua New Guinea.
  • Over the past two decades, Grace Fellowship has supported varying churches and individuals making a significant difference to their communities in central Australia, Sri Lanka, Tasmania, the highlands of Papua New Guinea, and many other places.

Your gift also will make a difference.

Thank you for giving, and helping make God’s goodness be seen!

Grace Fellowship

Bendigo Bank

BSB 633 000

Acct 116 563 495

Please reference gift if other than general tithes and offerings (eg, “Missions”)

Grace Fellowship Building Fund

Bendigo Bank

BSB 633 000

Acct 176 364 800